Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism

Nations’ Health: Systems of Lifelong Physical Education as a Foundation of Public Health

Contact information

Contacts of Organizational Committee: 4, Sirenevy Boulevard, Moscow, 105122, Russia (RSUPESY&T), Administrative building, Scientific and Organizational Department - tel. 8 (495) 961-31-11 Extension 30-74, 13-97, 12-52, 14-15, General Coordination - e-mail:,, web website:


from "Preobrajenskaya Ploschad" metro station:
Exit to Preobrajenskaya Ploschad,  B. Cherkizovskaya street, further bus

№ 230 to the stop "Institute of Physical Education"

from "Cherkizovskaya" metro station:
Exit to stadium "Lokomotiv",
further route taxi № 490 М or on foot

from "Schyolkovskaya" metro station:
Exit  to Schyolkovskoe highway,
further  route taxis № 41,  230, 716 until the stop  "Sokol Union"